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0-Oh!! What a GREAT one!

Hello again!

Now that I have explained what Gundam and Gunpla is now its time for a review. This my first review ever of a Gunpla kit and I've never done one my myself before but I hope that it will inform you and motivate you to get this kit for yourself. 

Without further ado...LETS GO


If I had to choose where to begin my Gunpla building journey, I would begin here with the High Grade GN-000 0 Gundam Type ACD (pronounced Oh-Gundam), released in early Jun 2009, from the series “Mobile Suit Gundam 00”. This mobile is the first ever Gundam produced by the private paramilitary group, Celestial Being and piloted by Innovator Pilot Ribbons Almark. It is known the 1st generation machine, using a solar powered generator known as a GN Drive, capable of operating indefinitely and it is the predecessors to all Gundams in the show.

This kit is one my favourites and I will show you why this is a MUST-GRAB.

What you get in the box

For a High Grade, this kit is very minimal. It contains the manual which is also very short, 5 runners and one foil sticker sheet.  Overall, the items in this kit make for a very quick build, taking roughly 2-3 hours if you are simply snap building with minimal sanding.

Box Art


Details on Runners

Overall Look

Angled View
Front View
Side View
Back view: GN Drive on back

At first glance, you may be thinking “hey, that looks kind of familiar, I’ve seen that before somewhere…..” and you be right because you may have seen it in my previous post. The kicker here is that the design is intentional as it was an Easter egg to the fact that the Japanese Voice actor for the pilot Ribbons Almark was the same one as Amuro Ray, the first ever Gundam Pilot for the RX-78-2 Gundam in the entire franchise. One might say it is a homage or nod to it.

In terms of overall look, I love the sleek simple design with the slight curves on it to give a more humanoid feel and look to. The colour separation is fantastic and it does a incredible job of paying tribute to the original RX-78-2 Gundam but also putting its own modern twist to it.


The 0 Gundam has a minimal number of weapons. It has one beam gun, a beam saber and a shield. 

Shield, Beam Gun, Beam Saber

The beam saber is nothing outstanding, but the beam effect is somewhat unique – the base peg where it connects to the hilt is flat shaped as opposed to the regular circular shaped peg which makes it unique. Furthermore, when the beam saber is not in use, it can be stored by putting onto the peg on its back.

Beam Saber in hand

Stored on back peg

The beam gun is unique as opposed to the usual beam rifles you get with most mobile suit kits. It has a short pistol like length and design to it but ultimately, not too outstanding. Only issue with is that even when it is in the hands of the 0 Gundam, the gun is not very stable and requires the back bit of the gun to rest on the wrist area.

Beam Gun in hand

Beam Gun - Action Pose

The shield is simple with a clean and sleek look and holds well when it is in the hand. On the back of it is the handle where it can swivel the shield’s position.

The Shield

Shield Handle

Shield - Action Pose

Whilst the weapons and accessories are a bit on the short side, it does make sense for the short build time. The other slight let-down is that the closed fist can separate easily if you are not careful with putting the weapons in them, however putting some glue on them will make it fine.


Now this bit is the best part of the 0 Gundam, the articulation on this thing is incredible!! For a High Grade, this kit blew my mind as I could make pull off almost any pose that I could think. The flexibility of it is much better than what I can pull off and the balance on it is so stable.

The photos below will show how flexible this guy is. 

The Head

The head can look up, down, side to side and can rotate a full 360 degrees



The Arms

The arms are excellent with a double-jointed arm able to bend nearly all the way up and the whole arm can rotate 360 degrees

90 Degrees

Fully Bent



Can bend to reach the beam saber hilt

The Waist

The waist can swivel well from left to right and has a quite good ab crunch forward and back.

To the side


Crunching Up

Crunching Down

The Legs

This is, in my opinion, the best part of the kit. The legs have so much motion with it able to swing forwards, to the side and backwards quite far and can bend very well due to its double-jointed knee.  I am certain the last photo on the legs are sure to amaze you!



Bent - double jointed


Pointing Up

Pointing Down

Swivel Outwards

Swivel Inwards

Final Thoughts

When I first saw this mobile suit the first time on the show, I was already absorbed by the colors, design and the obvious homage to the first Gundam. It was so beautiful to look at and I wanted to have one of my own! When I found out that there was a High Grade of this suit, I went to watch video reviews and I was sold after a few videos. I bought one……then more……because I love it so much! 4 Times! – call me nuts! (It is because I made a mistake on one then bought another to fix it….whoops).

This High Grade is simply outstanding, the design, colors and the near Olympic-gymnastic level of articulation makes it an absolute stand out from many other high-grade kits. Again, if I were to recommend a great kit for a beginner, this is my go-to option for anyone!


One cool thing with you can do with the box is that you can put it side by side with the High Grade GN-001REII Gundam Exia Repair II box and the result is what is shown below. Pretty cool right?

Side by side

Welp, that is all have to say for this fantastic Gunpla Kit.  I'll leave you with some more cool shots of the 0 Gundam.

Till the next review everybody!!

Time to relax ~~~

Peace from Andrew x


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